The woman and the theater in Magreb lands: Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia


  • Aïcha Haroun El Yacoubi University of Granada (Spain)



Woman, Muslim Arabian, Theater, Exclusion, Maghreb


The article deals with the incursion of Muslim Arabian women in the show business (entertainment industry) in three Maghreb countries: Algeria, Morocco and Tunis. The inclusion of women of the Maghreb in the performing arts took place in a progressive manner for social issues and by clinging to the tradition of leaving a woman excluded from male activities including theater. From the year 1930, the female artists get to express themselves before the audience. The theatrical activity undertaken by these forerunners was a favorable factor to the massive inclusion of women in theatrical arts, not only as actresses but as directors and playwrights.

Author Biography

Aïcha Haroun El Yacoubi, University of Granada (Spain)

Doutora pela Universidade de Granada no Departamento de Linguística Geral e Teoría da Literatura e da Arte e Literatura Comparada. Diretora de projetos teatrais inter-universitários entre Marrocos, Espanha, Colombia e Alemanha de 1995 a 2006. Autora de textos teatrais, diretora de teatro e roteirista de cinema.


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How to Cite

Yacoubi, A. H. E. (2015). The woman and the theater in Magreb lands: Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Olhares, 2(1), 152–165.